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Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

! # Ola via Alexandros G.Sfakianakis on Inoreader

Η λίστα ιστολογίων μου

Πέμπτη 26 Οκτωβρίου 2017

The Swedish radiological environmental protection regulations applied in a review of a license application for a geological repository for spent nuclear fuel

Publication date: November 2017
Source:Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volumes 178–179
Author(s): Pål Andersson, Karolina Stark, Shulan Xu, Maria Nordén, Björn Dverstorp
For the first time, a system for specific consideration of radiological environmental protection has been applied in a major license application in Sweden. In 2011 the Swedish Nuclear Fuel & Waste Management Co. (SKB) submitted a license application for construction of a geological repository for spent nuclear fuel at the Forsmark site. The license application is supported by a post-closure safety assessment, which in accordance with regulatory requirements includes an assessment of environmental consequences. SKB's environmental risk assessment uses the freely available ERICA Tool. Environmental media activity concentrations needed as input to the tool are calculated by means of complex biosphere modelling based on site-specific information gathered from site investigations, as well as from supporting modelling studies and projections of future biosphere conditions in response to climate change and land rise due to glacial rebound. SKB's application is currently being reviewed by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM). In addition to a traditional document review with an aim to determine whether SKB's models are relevant, correctly implemented and adequately parametrized, SSM has performed independent modelling in order to gain confidence in the robustness of SKB's assessment. Thus, SSM has used alternative stylized reference biosphere models to calculate environmental activity concentrations for use in subsequent exposure calculations. Secondly, an alternative dose model (RESRAD-BIOTA) is used to calculate doses to biota that are compared with SKB's calculations with the ERICA tool. SSM's experience from this review is that existing tools for environmental dose assessment are possible to use in order to show compliance with Swedish legislation. However, care is needed when site representative species are assessed with the aim to contrast them to generic reference organism. The alternative modelling of environmental concentrations resulted in much lower concentrations compared to SKB's results. However, SSM judges that SKB's in this part conservative approach is relevant for a screening assessment. SSM also concludes that there are big differences in dose rates calculated to different organisms depending on which tool that is used, although not systematically higher for either of them. Finally, independent regulatory modelling has proven valuable for SSM's review in gaining understanding and confidence in SKB's assessment presented in the license application.


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