Publication date: 15 September 2018
Source:Materials & Design, Volume 154
Author(s): Zongge Jiao, Jun Fu, Zhuo Li, Xu Cheng, Haibo Tang, Huaming Wang
Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al alloy specimen has been fabricated by laser melting deposition additive manufacturing technique. Due to the repeated heating and cooling during deposition, complicated and unique phase transformation process take place with forming different microstructures from forging. In this study, a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction method is used to understand the spatial distribution of α phase in different grains. The results indicated that, in as deposited alloy, α laths has a plate morphology, and they precipitated out from β phase followed a tetrahedral relationship. And the different grain orientation result to the specific different morphology. When the cutting plane parallel to the {100} plane of BCC cell, α laths are perpendicular to each other. If the cutting plane is parallel to the {111} plane, a special morphology with mixture of plate-like and rod-like α phase is founded.
Graphical abstract
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