Nine hundred thirty-nine rPla a 1, nPla a 2 and rPla a 3 ImmunoCAP ISAC reactors were studied. nPla a 2pos MUXF3pos but Pla a 1/2neg subjects were excluded from the study because they were CCD reactors. Amongst the 764 remaining participants, 71.9% were Pla a 3pos, 54.1% Pla a 2pos and 10.9% Pla a 1pos. Among Pla a 3 reactors, 89.6% were Pru p 3pos and 86.8% Jug 3pos, but the strongest IgE recognition relationship was observed between Pla a 3 and Jug r 3. Distinctive clinical subsets could be documented among plane-tree allergic patients. Pla a 3 reactors had both local and systemic food-induced reactions, but lower past respiratory symptoms occurrence. Pla a 2 reactivity was associated with respiratory symptoms but inversely related to systemic reactions to food. Co-sensitization to Pla a 2 and Pla a 3 was associated with a lower past incidence of severe food-induced reactions.
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