A six-year-old girl presented to an emergency room after describing choking on a rubber band. She was in no distress and was discharged. Over the course of the next 9 months, she had numerous outpatient and emergency room visits due to intermittent stridor, difficulty breathing, and hoarseness. Eventually, dedicated airway films revealed a laryngeal foreign body. During rigid bronchoscopy, a two-centimeter rubber band was discovered in the larynx. It extended from the supraglottis, through the glottis, and into the subglottis. It was successfully removed. The patient was asymptomatic 24 hours later. This case highlights the appropriate evaluation and management of a child with stridor.
Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
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Μαΐ 22
- A Chronic Glottic Foreign Body Diagnosed by Radiog...
- MRI as an Alternative to Second Look Mastoid Surgery
- Efficacy of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, A Modish ...
- Post-operative Sensorineural Hearing Loss After Mi...
- Micro-scale pollution mechanism of dust diffusion ...
- Preterm Birth Changes Networks of Newborn Cortical...
- MRI as an Alternative to Second Look Mastoid Surgery
- Efficacy of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, A Modish ...
- Post-operative Sensorineural Hearing Loss After Mi...
- Cu-based nanocatalysts for electrochemical reducti...
- Detection of plasma MMP-9 within minutes. Unveilin...
- Direct electrochemical reduction of hematite decor...
- Autoimmune Th17 Cells Induced Synovial Stromal and...
- Anti-apoptotic Protein BIRC5 Maintains Survival of...
- Correction to: The European Society of Gynaecologi...
- Perioperative Chemotherapy for Urothelial Carcinom...
- Innovative sludge pretreatment technology for impu...
- Removal of cobalt and lead ions from wastewater sa...
- Retropharyngeal SOL: An unusual presentation of a ...
- Cytologic features, immunocytochemical findings, a...
- Defining and Understanding Adaptive Resistance in ...
- Effect of photobiomodulation (670 nm) associated w...
- Adequacy of Fixed-Dose Heparin Infusions for Venou...
- Outcomes of Adoptive Cell Transfer With Tumor-infi...
- IL-21 Increases the Reactivity of Allogeneic Human...
- Blockade of BAFF Receptor BR3 on T Cells Enhances ...
- Diabetes and Blood Glucose Disorders Under Anti-PD1
- Characterization of Postinfusion Phenotypic Differ...
- Tonsillar cytokine expression between patients wit...
- Joint attention in Down syndrome: A meta-analysis
- Plastic surgeons’ opinions and practices regarding...
- Deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap: I...
- Managing aesthetic referrals in NHS Scotland: Outc...
- Long-term Results of Bacterial Septic Arthritis of...
- Response to letter commenting on Upgrading the BRE...
- Adding Scales to BREAST-Q Must Follow the Same Rig...
- Sentinel lymph node biopsy in melanoma: which hot ...
- Age affects reinforcement learning through dopamin...
- A Survey Analysis on the Management of Moderately ...
- The Potential of Narrow Band UVB to Induce Sustain...
- Financial burden of emergency department visits fo...
- Atopic dermatitis is associated with osteoporosis ...
- Head and Neck Cancer and the Elderly Patient
- Acid and alkaline solubilization (pH shift) proces...
- Intramedullary nail fixation versus locking plate ...
- Extreme Diets: Fads and Facts
- Consumer Reports Ranks Top Sunscreens for 2018
- A Pilot Study of a Novel Automated Somatosensory E...
- Application of Standardised Yoga Protocols as the ...
- Under the Knife: The History of Surgery in 28 Rema...
- Identifying Barriers to Implementation of the Nati...
- Organ Donation After Circulatory Death: Ethical Is...
- “Modified Dynamic Needle Tip Positioning” Short-Ax...
- The Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Propofol Requirem...
- Interviewing in Social Science Research: A Relatio...
- Perianesthetic and Anesthesia-Related Mortality in...
- Does Respiratory Variation in Inferior Vena Cava D...
- Halving the Volume of AnaConDa: Evaluation of a Ne...
- Perioperative Peripheral Nerve Injury After Genera...
- Anesthesia and Neurotoxicity
- Real Time Ultrasound Assisted Gluteal Fat Grafting
- Therapeutic effects of human adipose-derived produ...
- The Evolving Role of Blending of The Lid-Cheek Jun...
- "Microanatomy of sensory nerves in the upper eyeli...
- Browning of human subcutaneous adipose tissue afte...
- Beneficial Effects of Antioxidant Furfuryl Palmita...
- Biomarkers for early identification of recurrences...
- An assessment of patient burdens from head and nec...
- The unique and valuable soft tissue free flap in h...
- Early TLR4 blockade attenuates sterile inflammatio...
- Survival and Metabolic Function of Syngeneic Mouse...
- Belatacept in Solid Organ Transplant: Review of Cu...
- Secondhand hypertrophy: a rare case of genetically...
- Critical Appraisal of International Clinical Pract...
- Population Health, Ethnicity and Rate of Living Do...
- Two for one: Viral helicases as an ideal target fo...
- A microbiological study to investigate the carriag...
- Retinoic acid elicits a coordinated expression of ...
- Computational comparison of availability in CTL/ga...
- Rotavirus diarrhoea hospitalizations among childre...
- Economic burden of seasonal influenza in the Unite...
- Human papillomavirus vaccine effectiveness by numb...
- Delayed presentation of severe rhabdomyolysis lead...
- Successful resection of a slow-growing synchronous...
- Application of Standardised Yoga Protocols as the ...
- Patterns of Invasive Growth in Malignant Gliomas—T...
- Rising trade, declining stocks: The global gugul (...
- Probabilistic risk-based pollution prevention mode...
- Intricate relationships between naked viruses and ...
- Activating and inhibitory receptors expressed on i...
- An offline technique to evaluate residual motion o...
- Robotic Parathyroid Surgery: Current Perspectives ...
- Testosterone-mediated activation of androgenic sig...
- Formulation of oil-in-water emulsions for pesticid...
- Neuroimaging findings in Menkes disease: a rare ne...
- Ro-positive interstitial lung disease treated with...
- Chronic Madura foot: mycetoma and/or Actinomyces s...
- Neural stem cell therapies and hypoxic-ischemic br...
- Annual Report to the Nation: overall cancer mortal...
- Extracorporeal Photopheresis: An Efficacious and W...
Μαΐ 22
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (8116)
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! # Ola via Alexandros G.Sfakianakis on Inoreader
Η λίστα ιστολογίων μου
Τρίτη 22 Μαΐου 2018
A Chronic Glottic Foreign Body Diagnosed by Radiograph after 9 Months of Symptoms
MRI as an Alternative to Second Look Mastoid Surgery
The main goal of surgery of cholesteatoma is eradication of the disease and revision surgery is indicated when a dry and safe ear has not been achieved. Residual cholesteatoma usually occurs at the sites that are difficult to reach with an operating microscope, such as posterior tympanum and anterior epitympanic recess. Computed tomography can be performed to delineate the extent of disease. High-resolution computed tomography scanning is important for planning for surgery and is indicated for all revision mastoid operations. Magnetic resonance imaging is superior to computed tomography in tissue characterization for diagnosis of recurrent cholesteatoma. To evaluate the cases of recurrent cholesteatoma comparing the intraoperative surgical findings with the preoperative MRI radiological findings and if the preoperative MRI can replace the second look surgery for cholesteatoma. This study was applied on 60 patients that have a recurrent cholesteatoma after previous mastoid surgery. A preoperative radiological evaluation was done by Magnetic resonance, surgical management was done by canal wall up or canal wall down mastoidectomy to exclude residual disease. Then, radiological, and surgical findings correlation was done. Diffusion-weighted MRI successfully detected 42 cases out of the 45 cases of surgically proved cholesteatoma, it has accuracy 95%, sensitivity 93.33%, specificity 100%, PPV 100% and NPV 83.33%. MRI is better than CT in tissue characterization for diagnosis of recurrent cholesteatoma, and can replace the unnecessary second look surgery of cholesteatoma
Efficacy of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, A Modish Management of Tinnitus: Our Experience
Tinnitus retraining therapy involves masking of tinnitus at sound perception level in combination with structured counselling sessions. To assess efficacy of Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) in Patients of Tinnitus with Sensori Neural Hearing loss. Prospective study was carried out on patients who presented with Tinnitus in ENT OPD from December 2015 to December 2016. Severity of tinnitus was documented using Tinnitus handicap inventory scale. Response to tinnitus is evaluated at the end of 3 months. In our study 57 patients in age group 21–78 years were selected and Tinnitus retraining therapy was administered. Most of patients had moderate (75.43%) perception of tinnitus before initiation of therapy. After completion of therapy tinnitus completely disappeared in 34 (59.65%) patients. Improvement in Tinnitus perception was observed in total of 49 (85.96%) patients. There was no improvement in Tinnitus perception in 8 (14.03%) patients. TRT aims in reducing the tinnitus perception by inducing habituation of tinnitus-induced reactions allowing patients to achieve control over their tinnitus, live a normal life, and participate in everyday activities.
Post-operative Sensorineural Hearing Loss After Middle Ear Surgery
Chronic suppurative otitis media is managed by tympanomastoid surgery often requires mastoid drilling. Sometimes patients develop sensorineural hearing loss after middle ear surgery. Objective of the study was to compare pre and post operative bone conduction thresholds after middle ear surgeries. The study was conducted on 90 patients who had undergone middle ear surgeries, 30 patients of tympanoplasty (group I), modified intact canal wall mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty type-I (group II) and modified radical mastoidectomy (group III) each ware included. Demographic and clinical data were reviewed. Duration of surgery, ossicular and middle ear status and drilling time noted. Pre operative and post operative (after 3–4 months) bone conduction thresholds were compared statistically. A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistical significant. The average pre-operative hearing loss of study group was 43.78 ± 14.22 dB. Though postoperatively mean air conduction threshold improved to 36.07 ± 13.05 dB, six patients presented with deterioration of hearing. Mastoidectomy has been performed in all six. Post-operative worsening of bone conduction was seen in three patients (13.75–21.5 dB), one patient of group II and two patients of group III developed postoperative worsening of bone conduction thresholds. Significant hearing losses may occur after tympanomastoid surgery in few patients. While we are evaluating the results besides reporting average results such individual patient should be identified.
Micro-scale pollution mechanism of dust diffusion in a blasting driving face based on CFD-DEM coupled model
In order to investigate the diffuse pollution mechanisms of high-concentration dusts in the blasting driving face, the airflow-dust coupled model was constructed based on CFD-DEM coupled model; the diffusion rules of the dusts with different diameters at microscopic scale were analyzed in combination with the field measured results. The simulation results demonstrate that single-exhaust ventilation exhibited more favorable dust suppression performance than single-forced ventilation. Under single-exhaust ventilation condition, the motion trajectories of the dusts with the diameter smaller than 20 μm were close to the airflow streamline and these dusts were mainly distributed near the footway walls; by contrast, under single-forced ventilation condition, the motion trajectories of the dust particles with a diameter range of 20~40 μm were close to the airflow streamlines, and a large number of dusts with the diameter smaller than 20 μm accumulated in the regions 5 m and 17~25 m away from the head-on section. Moreover, under the single-exhaust ventilation, the relationship between dust diameter D and negative-pressured-induced dust emission ratio P can be expressed as P = − 25.03ln(D) + 110.39, and the dust emission ratio was up to 74.36% for 7-μm dusts, and the path-dependent settling behaviors of the dusts mainly occurred around the head-on section; under single-forced ventilation condition, the z value of the dusts with the diameter over 20 μm decreased and the dusts with a diameter smaller than 7 μm are particularly harmful to human health, but their settling ratios were below 22.36%.
Graphical abstract

MRI as an Alternative to Second Look Mastoid Surgery
The main goal of surgery of cholesteatoma is eradication of the disease and revision surgery is indicated when a dry and safe ear has not been achieved. Residual cholesteatoma usually occurs at the sites that are difficult to reach with an operating microscope, such as posterior tympanum and anterior epitympanic recess. Computed tomography can be performed to delineate the extent of disease. High-resolution computed tomography scanning is important for planning for surgery and is indicated for all revision mastoid operations. Magnetic resonance imaging is superior to computed tomography in tissue characterization for diagnosis of recurrent cholesteatoma. To evaluate the cases of recurrent cholesteatoma comparing the intraoperative surgical findings with the preoperative MRI radiological findings and if the preoperative MRI can replace the second look surgery for cholesteatoma. This study was applied on 60 patients that have a recurrent cholesteatoma after previous mastoid surgery. A preoperative radiological evaluation was done by Magnetic resonance, surgical management was done by canal wall up or canal wall down mastoidectomy to exclude residual disease. Then, radiological, and surgical findings correlation was done. Diffusion-weighted MRI successfully detected 42 cases out of the 45 cases of surgically proved cholesteatoma, it has accuracy 95%, sensitivity 93.33%, specificity 100%, PPV 100% and NPV 83.33%. MRI is better than CT in tissue characterization for diagnosis of recurrent cholesteatoma, and can replace the unnecessary second look surgery of cholesteatoma
Efficacy of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, A Modish Management of Tinnitus: Our Experience
Tinnitus retraining therapy involves masking of tinnitus at sound perception level in combination with structured counselling sessions. To assess efficacy of Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) in Patients of Tinnitus with Sensori Neural Hearing loss. Prospective study was carried out on patients who presented with Tinnitus in ENT OPD from December 2015 to December 2016. Severity of tinnitus was documented using Tinnitus handicap inventory scale. Response to tinnitus is evaluated at the end of 3 months. In our study 57 patients in age group 21–78 years were selected and Tinnitus retraining therapy was administered. Most of patients had moderate (75.43%) perception of tinnitus before initiation of therapy. After completion of therapy tinnitus completely disappeared in 34 (59.65%) patients. Improvement in Tinnitus perception was observed in total of 49 (85.96%) patients. There was no improvement in Tinnitus perception in 8 (14.03%) patients. TRT aims in reducing the tinnitus perception by inducing habituation of tinnitus-induced reactions allowing patients to achieve control over their tinnitus, live a normal life, and participate in everyday activities.
Post-operative Sensorineural Hearing Loss After Middle Ear Surgery
Chronic suppurative otitis media is managed by tympanomastoid surgery often requires mastoid drilling. Sometimes patients develop sensorineural hearing loss after middle ear surgery. Objective of the study was to compare pre and post operative bone conduction thresholds after middle ear surgeries. The study was conducted on 90 patients who had undergone middle ear surgeries, 30 patients of tympanoplasty (group I), modified intact canal wall mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty type-I (group II) and modified radical mastoidectomy (group III) each ware included. Demographic and clinical data were reviewed. Duration of surgery, ossicular and middle ear status and drilling time noted. Pre operative and post operative (after 3–4 months) bone conduction thresholds were compared statistically. A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistical significant. The average pre-operative hearing loss of study group was 43.78 ± 14.22 dB. Though postoperatively mean air conduction threshold improved to 36.07 ± 13.05 dB, six patients presented with deterioration of hearing. Mastoidectomy has been performed in all six. Post-operative worsening of bone conduction was seen in three patients (13.75–21.5 dB), one patient of group II and two patients of group III developed postoperative worsening of bone conduction thresholds. Significant hearing losses may occur after tympanomastoid surgery in few patients. While we are evaluating the results besides reporting average results such individual patient should be identified.
Cu-based nanocatalysts for electrochemical reduction of CO2
Publication date: Available online 21 May 2018
Source:Nano Today
Author(s): Huan Xie, Tanyuan Wang, Jiashun Liang, Qing Li, Shouheng Sun
Understanding CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) and developing robust catalysts for selective CO2RR is key to closing carbon cycle and to achieving energy sustainability with desired environmental remediation. Electrochemical CO2RR on a catalyst surface is an attractive method to realize high reaction activity and selectivity under mild reaction conditions. Among various catalysts studied thus far, metallic Cu-based nanocatalysts have demonstrated to be promising for selective CO2RR to HCOOH, CO or, more importantly, to CH4, C2H4 and C2H6 with relatively high efficiency. This review summarizes recent progresses made on these Cu-based nanocatalysts for CO2RR, including fundamental of electrochemical CO2RR, representative approaches to Cu-based nanocatalysts via nanoporous structure, nanoparticle size, composition, surface, support and morphology controls. The review should offer readers some important insights on Cu-catalyzed CO2RR, and will further help readers in their efforts to design and develop robust catalysts for active and selective CO2RR.
Graphical abstract
Detection of plasma MMP-9 within minutes. Unveiling some of the clues to develop fast and simple electrochemical magneto-immunosensors
Publication date: 15 September 2018
Source:Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 115
Author(s): Gisela Ruiz-Vega, Alicia García-Robaina, Manel Ben Ismail, Helena Pasamar, Teresa García-Berrocoso, Joan Montaner, Mohammed Zourob, Ali Othmane, F. Javier del Campo, Eva Baldrich
Magnetic beads (MB) have been extensively used to produce sensitive and efficient electrochemical magneto-immunosensors. However, MB effective handling requires training, and MB washing after each incubation step is time consuming and contributes to raise result variability. Consequently, most of the electrochemical magneto-immunosensors reported to date, which entailed relatively long and complex multi-step procedures, would be difficult to carry out at point-of-care (POC) settings or by laypersons. For this reason, here we targeted the development of a simplified detection path, which is fast and simple enough to be operated at a POC setting, sufficiently efficient to provide analyte quantitation comparable to classical diagnostic methods, and dependent on minimal technical requirements to facilitate method global exploitation. As a proof-of-concept, we optimized an extremely simple, fast and efficient electrochemical magneto-immunosensor for detection of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9). To accomplish this, we optimized MB immunomodification, produced an immunomodified Poly-HRP signal amplifier, developed a single-step magneto-immunoassay, and optimized electrochemical detection using a multiplexed magnetic holder and a ready-to-use commercial substrate solution. The sensor was finally calibrated by detecting MMP-9 in clinical samples. This electrochemical magneto-immunosensor detected MMP-9 in just 12–15 min, displaying linear response between 0.03 and 2 ng mL−1 of MMP-9, limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of 13 pg mL−1 and 70 pg mL−1, respectively, %CV< 6%, and accurate quantification of MMP-9 in patient plasma samples. These results were comparable to those afforded by a 5-h reference ELISA that used the same antibodies, confirming the applicability of our simplified method.
Direct electrochemical reduction of hematite decorated graphene oxide (α-Fe2O3@erGO) nanocomposite for selective detection of Parkinson's disease biomarker
Source:Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 115
Author(s): Georgeena Mathew, Parama Dey, Rituparna Das, Sreemayee Dutta Chowdhury, Merina Paul Das, Pandiyarasan Veluswamy, Bernaurdshaw Neppolian, Jayabrata Das
An unusual approach is reported herein to fabricate magnetic hematite (α-Fe2O3) decorated electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (α-Fe2O3@erGO) nanocomposite. The method utilizes direct electrochemical reduction of self-assembled, ex-situ synthesized α-Fe2O3 anchored GO to erGO (α-Fe2O3@erGO) on glassy carbon electrode (GCE) for selective detection dopamine (DA), an important biomarker of Parkinson's disease. The formation of α-Fe2O3@erGO/GCE has been confirmed by XPS and Raman spectroscopy. α-Fe2O3@erGO modified GCE exhibits synergistic catalytic activity nearly 2.2 and 5 fold higher than α-Fe2O3@GO and other modified electrodes, respectively towards oxidation of DA. The fabricated sensor exhibited linear dynamic ranges over 0.25 − 100 µM in response to DA with a LOD of 0.024 µM (S/N = 3), LOQ of 0.08 µM (S/N = 10), and a sensitivity of 12.56 µA µM–1 cm–2. Finally, the practical analytical application of the proposed α-Fe2O3@erGO/GCE was investigated for the determination of DA in commercially available pharmaceutical formulation and human serum samples, and showed satisfactory recovery results towards DA.
Autoimmune Th17 Cells Induced Synovial Stromal and Innate Lymphoid Cell Secretion of the Cytokine GM-CSF to Initiate and Augment Autoimmune Arthritis
Publication date: Available online 22 May 2018
Author(s): Keiji Hirota, Motomu Hashimoto, Yoshinaga Ito, Mayumi Matsuura, Hiromu Ito, Masao Tanaka, Hitomi Watanabe, Gen Kondoh, Atsushi Tanaka, Keiko Yasuda, Manfred Kopf, Alexandre J. Potocnik, Brigitta Stockinger, Noriko Sakaguchi, Shimon Sakaguchi
Despite the importance of Th17 cells in autoimmune diseases, it remains unclear how they control other inflammatory cells in autoimmune tissue damage. Using a model of spontaneous autoimmune arthritis, we showed that arthritogenic Th17 cells stimulated fibroblast-like synoviocytes via interleukin-17 (IL-17) to secrete the cytokine GM-CSF and also expanded synovial-resident innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in inflamed joints. Activated synovial ILCs, which expressed CD25, IL-33Ra, and TLR9, produced abundant GM-CSF upon stimulation by IL-2, IL-33, or CpG DNA. Loss of GM-CSF production by either ILCs or radio-resistant stromal cells prevented Th17 cell-mediated arthritis. GM-CSF production by Th17 cells augmented chronic inflammation but was dispensable for the initiation of arthritis. We showed that GM-CSF-producing ILCs were present in inflamed joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Thus, a cellular cascade of autoimmune Th17 cells, ILCs, and stromal cells, via IL-17 and GM-CSF, mediates chronic joint inflammation and can be a target for therapeutic intervention.
Graphical abstract
It remains obscure how joint inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis is initiated and progressing. In this study, Hirota et al. identified in an animal model of rheumatoid arthritis an inflammatory cellular cascade instigated by an arthritogenic T helper subset and enhanced by GM-CSF-producing synovial-resident innate lymphoid cells.https://ift.tt/2LlHlLX
Anti-apoptotic Protein BIRC5 Maintains Survival of HIV-1-Infected CD4+ T Cells
Publication date: Available online 22 May 2018
Author(s): Hsiao-Hsuan Kuo, Rushdy Ahmad, Guinevere Q. Lee, Ce Gao, Hsiao-Rong Chen, Zhengyu Ouyang, Matthew J. Szucs, Dhohyung Kim, Athe Tsibris, Tae-Wook Chun, Emilie Battivelli, Eric Verdin, Eric S. Rosenberg, Steven A. Carr, Xu G. Yu, Mathias Lichterfeld
HIV-1 infection of CD4+ T cells leads to cytopathic effects and cell demise, which is counter to the observation that certain HIV-1-infected cells possess a remarkable long-term stability and can persist lifelong in infected individuals treated with suppressive antiretroviral therapy (ART). Using quantitative mass spectrometry-based proteomics, we showed that HIV-1 infection activated cellular survival programs that were governed by BIRC5, a molecular inhibitor of cell apoptosis that is frequently overexpressed in malignant cells. BIRC5 and its upstream regulator OX40 were upregulated in productively and latently infected CD4+ T cells and were functionally involved in maintaining their viability. Moreover, OX40-expressing CD4+ T cells from ART-treated patients were enriched for clonally expanded HIV-1 sequences, and pharmacological inhibition of BIRC5 resulted in a selective decrease of HIV-1-infected cells in vitro. Together, these findings suggest that BIRC5 supports long-term survival of HIV-1-infected cells and may lead to clinical strategies to reduce persisting viral reservoirs.
Graphical abstract
The host factors that promote the survival and persistence of HIV-infected CD4+ T cells are not clear. Kuo et al. demonstrate that the anti-apoptotic protein BIRC5 and its upstream regulator OX40 can promote survival of HIV-1-infected reservoir CD4+ T cells, specifically during clonal proliferation. These findings point to clinical strategies that may reduce persisting viral reservoirs.https://ift.tt/2IFO8OG
Correction to: The European Society of Gynaecological Oncology/European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology/European Society of Pathology Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Cervical Cancer
Two corrections were made to the above publication following its original online publication on 4th May 2018.
Perioperative Chemotherapy for Urothelial Carcinoma of the Upper Urinary Tract: A Systematic Review and Meta-Anaysis
Publication date: Available online 22 May 2018
Source:Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology
Author(s): Richard W. Gregg, Francisco E. Vera-Badillo, Christopher M. Booth, Aamer Mahmud, Michael Brundage, Michael J. Leveridge, Timothy P. Hanna
IntroductionUpper tract urothelial carcinomas are rare malignancies with differences in anatomy and biology requiring therapeutic strategies that differ from bladder cancer. The role of perioperative systemic therapy in this disease remains uncertain with limited data to support its use. A systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis was therefore undertaken to provide more information and guide clinical practiceMethodsA Literature search was performed using Embase and Medline databases with additional searches performed manually using terms associated with upper tract urothelial malignancies. Data was extracted from studies of patients that underwent nephrouretectomy for the management of upper tract urothelial carcinoma and received either neoadjuvant or adjuvant systemic therapy. Overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and cancer-specific survival (CSS) were summated and analyzed using Cochrane Revman software Version 5.3.ResultsThere were 13 comparative studies and no randomized studies identified for data extraction; 11 adjuvant and 2 neoadjuvant with 1260 patients receiving perioperative systemic therapy and 3567 controls that did not. Perioperative chemotherapy was associated with improved OS (HR 0.75, 95%CI 0.57-0.99), DFS (HR 0.54, 95%CI 0.32-0.92), and CSS (HR 0.6, 95%CI 0.42-1.15).ConclusionsThe available data suggests that perioperative systemic therapy is associated with improved survival in patients with upper tract urothelial cancer.
Innovative sludge pretreatment technology for impurity separation using micromesh
In order to reduce the impacts on sludge treatment facilities caused by impurities such as fibers, hairs, plastic debris, and coarse sand, an innovative primary sludge pretreatment technology, sludge impurity separator (SIS), was proposed in this study. Non-woven micromesh with pore size of 0.40 mm was used to remove the impurities from primary sludge. Results of lab-scale tests showed that impurity concentration, aeration intensity, and channel gap were the key operation parameters, of which the optimized values were below 25 g/L, 0.8 m3/(m2 min), and 2.5 cm, respectively. In the full-scale SIS with treatment capacity of 300 m3/day, over 88% of impurities could be removed from influent and the cleaning cycle of micromesh was more than 16 days. Economic analysis revealed that the average energy consumption was 1.06 kWh/m3 treated sludge and operation cost was 0.6 yuan/m3 treated sludge.
Removal of cobalt and lead ions from wastewater samples using an insoluble nanosponge biopolymer composite: adsorption isotherm, kinetic, thermodynamic, and regeneration studies
In this study, an insoluble nanosponge biopolymer composite was synthesized, using a combined process of amidation reaction, cross-linking polymerization, and sol-gel method to obtain a phosphorylated multiwalled carbon nanotube-cyclodextrin/silver-doped titania (pMWCNT-βCD/TiO2-Ag). This work mainly emphasized on the removal of lead (Pb2+) and cobalt (Co2+) metal ions from synthetic and real wastewater samples using the synthesized pMWCNT-βCD/TiO2-Ag as a biosorbent. The new material was characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, zeta potential, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Adsorption studies for the model pollutants were performed in batch mode. The effect of the solution pH, adsorbent dosage and the presence of competiting ions were investigated. The isotherm, kinetic, thermodynamic, and regeneration studies were also undertaken. The ability of the new material to effectively remove Pb2+ and Co2+ from synthetic wastewater and mine effluent samples was tested. The maximum removal capacities achieved for the removal of Pb2+ and Co2+ from mine effluent sample were 35.86 and 7.812 mg/g, respectively.
Retropharyngeal SOL: An unusual presentation of a multifaceted entity
CytoJournal 2018 15(1):12-12
Cytologic features, immunocytochemical findings, and DNA ploidy in four rare cases of epithelioid hemangioendothelioma involving effusions
CytoJournal 2018 15(1):13-13
Background: Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) involving serous effusion is extremely rare, and the diagnosis can be challenging. DNA ploidy quantitation of EHE in effusion fluids has not been previously described in the English-language literature. Methods: Specimens of cytological diagnosed with EHE in effusion fluids between 2002 and 2009 were retrieved from the pathology files at MD Anderson Cancer Center. A total of four cases of EHE involving or arising from effusion fluids were found, and we reviewed cytospin, smears, cell block sections, and immunostained slides. DNA image analysis for ploidy and proliferation evaluation was performed on a destained, papanicolaou-stained slide from each case. Results: The tumor cells were epithelioid with prominent cytoplasmic vacuolization and intracytoplasmic inclusions, which could resemble reactive mesothelial cells, mesothelioma, or adenocarcinoma. The tumor cells were positive for endothelial markers. DNA image analysis in three of the four cases revealed predominantly diploid and tetraploid subpopulations, with few aneuploid cells and fairly low proliferation indices, and these patients had fairly prolonged survival. Conclusions: DNA image analysis is useful for differentiating EHE from reactive mesothelial cells and high-grade carcinoma. For accurate diagnosis of EHE in effusion fluids, cytologic features should be considered together with clinical history and ancillary studies.
Defining and Understanding Adaptive Resistance in Cancer Immunotherapy
Publication date: Available online 22 May 2018
Source:Trends in Immunology
Author(s): Tae Kon Kim, Roy S. Herbst, Lieping Chen
Despite the unprecedented tumor regression and long-term survival benefit observed with anti-programmed death (PD) [anti-PD-1 or anti-B7-homolog 1 (B7-H1)] therapy in patients with advanced cancers, a large portion of patients do not benefit from such treatment and a fraction of responders relapse. Current efforts to overcome resistance and improve efficacy of anti-PD therapy require a clear understanding of resistance and should precede current avenues using random combinations with available treatment regimens. Here, we categorized three types of resistance, namely target-missing, primary, and acquired resistance. This categorization requires reliable, accurate tissue sampling and appropriate interpretation of results based on the four classifications of tumor immunity in the microenvironment (TIME). We believe that fundamental understanding of these complex tumor-immune interactions and of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying these types of true resistance is the key for targeting the right targets in combination with or beyond anti-PD therapy in the future.
Effect of photobiomodulation (670 nm) associated with vitamin A on the inflammatory phase of wound healing
Wound healing is a complex biological process with specific phases. Photobiomodulation (PBM) decreases the inflammatory infiltrate, stimulating fibroblast proliferation and angiogenesis, and therefore, is indicated for wound healing. Vitamin A is used to reverse the inhibitory effects on wound healing and accelerate the healthy granulation tissue. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of topical vitamin A and PBM (GaAlAs) in inflammatory phase of cutaneous wounds. Forty Wistar male rats were separated into four groups: (1) control (CG); (2) laser group (LG) GaAlAs, 670 nm, 30 mW, energy per point of 0.9 J, radiating by 1 point in 30 s; (3) vitamin A group (VitAG); and (4) laser group plus vitamin A (LG + VitAG). Wounds were surgically made by a punch biopsy with 10 mm of diameter on the back of the animals and all treatments were started according to the experiment. The treatments were administered for four consecutive days and biopsy was performed on day 4. We performed both H&E and immunohistochemistry analysis. The results were compared between groups by one-way analysis of variance ANOVA test with post hoc Tukey (p < 0.05). Inflammatory infiltrate increased significantly in LG compared to CG and VitAG (p < 0.05). Regarding angiogenesis, VEGF expression was increased significantly in LG and LG + VitAG groups, p < 0.01. The results indicate that proposed treatments were effective on the healing process improved by LG and LG + VitAG. We show that laser plus vitamin A enhances healing by reducing the wound area and may have potential application for clinical management of cutaneous wounds.
Adequacy of Fixed-Dose Heparin Infusions for Venous Thromboembolism Prevention after Microsurgical Procedures
J reconstr Microsurg
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1655735
Background In microvascular surgery, patients often receive unfractionated heparin infusions to minimize risk for microvascular thrombosis. Patients who receive intravenous (IV) heparin are believed to have adequate prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism (VTE). Whether a fixed dose of IV heparin provides detectable levels of anticoagulation, or whether the "one size fits all" approach provides adequate prophylaxis against VTE remains unknown. This study examined the pharmacodynamics of fixed-dose heparin infusions and the effects of real-time, anti-factor Xa (aFXa) level driven heparin dose adjustments. Methods This prospective clinical trial recruited adult microvascular surgery patients placed on a fixed-dose (500 units/h) unfractionated heparin infusion during their initial microsurgical procedure. Steady-state aFXa levels, a marker of unfractionated heparin efficacy and safety, were monitored. Patients with out-of-range aFXa levels received protocol-driven real-time dose adjustments. Outcomes of interest included aFXa levels in response to heparin 500 units/h, number of dose adjustments required to achieve goal aFXa levels, time to reach goal aFXa level, and 90-day clinically relevant bleeding and VTE. Results Twenty patients were recruited prospectively. None of 20 patients had any detectable level of anticoagulation in response to heparin infusions at 500 units/h. The median number of dose adjustments required to reach goal level was five, and median weight-based dose to reach goal level was 11.8 units/kg/h. Real-time dose adjustments significantly increased the proportion of patients with in-range levels (60 vs. 0%, p = 0.0001). The 90-day VTE rate was 5% and 90-day clinically relevant bleeding rate was 5%. Conclusions Fixed-dose heparin infusions at a rate of 500 units/h do not provide a detectable level of anticoagulation after microsurgical procedures and are insufficient for the majority of patients who require VTE prophylaxis. Weight-based heparin infusions at 10 to 12 units/kg/h deserve future study in patients undergoing microsurgical procedures to increase the proportion of patients receiving adequate VTE prophylaxis.
Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.
Article in Thieme eJournals:
Table of contents | Abstract | Full text
Outcomes of Adoptive Cell Transfer With Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes for Metastatic Melanoma Patients With and Without Brain Metastases

IL-21 Increases the Reactivity of Allogeneic Human Vγ9Vδ2 T Cells Against Primary Glioblastoma Tumors

Blockade of BAFF Receptor BR3 on T Cells Enhances Their Activation and Cytotoxicity

Diabetes and Blood Glucose Disorders Under Anti-PD1

Characterization of Postinfusion Phenotypic Differences in Fresh Versus Cryopreserved TCR Engineered Adoptive Cell Therapy Products

Tonsillar cytokine expression between patients with tonsillar hypertrophy and recurrent tonsillitis
Tonsils provide an innovative in vivo model for investigating immune response to infections and allergens. However, data are scarce on the differences in tonsillar virus infections and immune responses between...
Joint attention in Down syndrome: A meta-analysis
Source:Research in Developmental Disabilities, Volume 78
Author(s): Laura J. Hahn, Susan J. Loveall, Madison T. Savoy, Allie M. Neumann, Toshikazu Ikuta
BackgroundSome studies have indicated that joint attention may be a relative strength in Down syndrome (DS), but other studies have not.AimTo conduct a meta-analysis of joint attention in DS to more conclusively determine if this is a relative strength or weakness when compared to children with typical development (TD), developmental disabilities (DD), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).Methods and proceduresJournal articles published before September 13, 2016, were identified by using the search terms "Down syndrome" and "joint attention" or "coordinating attention". Identified studies were reviewed and coded for inclusion criteria, descriptive information, and outcome variables.Outcomes and resultsEleven studies (553 participants) met inclusion criteria. Children with DS showed similar joint attention as TD children and higher joint attention than children with DD and ASD. Meta-regression revealed a significant association between age and joint attention effect sizes in the DS vs. TD contrast.Conclusions and implicationsJoint attention appears to not be a weakness for children with DS, but may be commensurate with developmental level. Joint attention may be a relative strength in comparison to other skills associated with the DS behavioral phenotype. Early interventions for children with DS may benefit from leveraging joint attention skills.
Plastic surgeons’ opinions and practices regarding compatibility of MRI and breast tissue expanders
As more women undergo breast reconstruction with tissue expanders, the situation where a patient with ferromagnetic port-containing breast tissue expanders (FPCBTE) develops a need for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has also become more frequent. Such indications include the new symptoms suggestive of neurologic or osseous metastases, trauma, and perforator mapping if the patient transitions to autologous reconstruction.
Deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap: Impact of drain free donor abdominal site on long term patient outcomes and duration of inpatient stay
The deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap is widely regarded as the Gold Standard in autologous breast reconstruction. Although drain-free abdominoplasty is performed in many centres, there is a paucity of evidence comparing outcomes when applied to DIEP breast reconstruction.
Managing aesthetic referrals in NHS Scotland: Outcomes from 1,122 patients in the East of Scotland
The Adult Exceptional Aesthetic Referral Protocol (AEARP) encompasses a series of aesthetic procedures which, as they do not treat an underlying disease process, are not routinely available within the National Health Service. Provision of these services can only be provided on an exceptional basis.In this prospective study, we evaluated the referral process and outcomes of 1,122 patients referred under the AEARP over a 3.5-year period. Referrals were screened by a vetting panel comprising of a plastic surgeon, clinical nurse specialist, and clinical psychologist.
Long-term Results of Bacterial Septic Arthritis of the Wrist
Septic arthritis of the wrist is a serious condition, yet little is known about its long-term outcome. A retrospective analysis of 22 patients treated for bacterial septic arthritis of the wrist was conducted with subsequent follow-up of 18 patients with a median period of 44 months to assess functional results via DASH-Score and clinical examination.Arthrotomy was used to treat all patients; in 19 patients, multiple operations were needed to cure the infection. Follow-up revealed a mean DASH-score of 34 (SD 22) and a significant correlation with needed surgical radicality and number of needed operations.
Response to letter commenting on Upgrading the BREAST-Q questionnaire
We read with interest the reply from Klassen and colleagues1 to our publication2 and we fully agree about the lack of methodological validity related to our suggestion of a BREAST-Q expansion. In fact, our aim was meant to focus the attention on the need for an update of the already existing autologous BREAST-Q, according to the evolution in breast reconstruction and flap choice. This was the reason why we wanted to highlight and in parallel put the accent on this topic.
Adding Scales to BREAST-Q Must Follow the Same Rigor as Original Scales
Dear Editor,
Sentinel lymph node biopsy in melanoma: which hot nodes should be harvested and is blue dye really necessary?,,✯✯✯
The '10% rule' has become widely accepted by surgeons performing sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) for melanoma. The purpose of this study was to compare the '10% rule' with alternative node harvesting criteria. In particular, we were interested to see whether the use of blue dye had any impact on the sensitivity of the test and whether it is necessary to remove all hot nodes.
Age affects reinforcement learning through dopamine-based learning imbalance and high decision noise—not through Parkinsonian mechanisms
Publication date: August 2018
Source:Neurobiology of Aging, Volume 68
Author(s): Ravi B. Sojitra, Itamar Lerner, Jessica R. Petok, Mark A. Gluck
Probabilistic reinforcement learning declines in healthy cognitive aging. While some findings suggest impairments are especially conspicuous in learning from rewards, resembling deficits in Parkinson's disease, others also show impairments in learning from punishments. To reconcile these findings, we tested 252 adults from 3 age groups on a probabilistic reinforcement learning task, analyzed trial-by-trial performance with a Q-reinforcement learning model, and correlated both fitted model parameters and behavior to polymorphisms in dopamine-related genes. Analyses revealed that learning from both positive and negative feedback declines with age but through different mechanisms: when learning from negative feedback, older adults were slower due to noisy decision-making; when learning from positive feedback, they tended to settle for a nonoptimal solution due to an imbalance in learning from positive and negative prediction errors. The imbalance was associated with polymorphisms in the DARPP-32 gene and appeared to arise from mechanisms different from those previously attributed to Parkinson's disease. Moreover, this imbalance predicted previous findings on aging using the Probabilistic Selection Task, which were misattributed to Parkinsonian mechanisms.
A Survey Analysis on the Management of Moderately Dysplastic Nevi Among Academic Dermatologists Across the United States
The Potential of Narrow Band UVB to Induce Sustained Durable Complete Remission off-Therapy in Stage I Mycosis Fungoides
Narrow Band UVB (NB UVB) produces high rates of complete response (CR) for patients with stage I mycosis fungoides (MF). Data on long-term remission off therapy are lacking. NB UVB induced >5 years disease and therapy free survival in ∼ 60% of CR patients. NB UVB can be considered a disease modifying and potentially curative therapy for patients with stage I MF..
Financial burden of emergency department visits for atopic dermatitis in the United States
Patients with atopic dermatitis have multiple risk factors for utilizing the emergency department.; The prevalence and cost of emergency department visits for atopic dermatitis was high and increased between 2006 and 2012.; Interventions are needed to decrease ED visits for AD.
Head and Neck Cancer and the Elderly Patient
Management of head and neck cancer in the elderly patient is particularly challenging given the high morbidity associated with treatment. Surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have all been demonstrated as effective in older patients; however, older patients are more susceptible to treatment-induced toxicity, which can limit the survival benefits of certain interventions. This susceptibility is better associated with the presence of multiple comorbidities and decreasing functional status than with age alone. Screening tools allow for risk stratification, treatment deintensification, and even treatment avoidance in patients who are deemed at high-risk of being harmed by standard therapy.
Acid and alkaline solubilization (pH shift) process: a better approach for the utilization of fish processing waste and by-products
Several technologies and methods have been developed over the years to address the environmental pollution and nutritional losses associated with the dumping of fish processing waste and low-cost fish and by-products. Despite the continuous efforts put in this field, none of the developed technologies was successful in addressing the issues due to various technical problems. To solve the problems associated with the fish processing waste and low-value fish and by-products, a process called pH shift/acid and alkaline solubilization process was developed. In this process, proteins are first solubilized using acid and alkali followed by precipitating them at their isoelectric pH to recover functional and stable protein isolates from underutilized fish species and by-products. Many studies were conducted using pH shift process to recover proteins from fish and fish by-products and found to be most successful in recovering proteins with increased yields than conventional surimi (three cycle washing) process and with good functional properties. In this paper, problems associated with conventional processing, advantages and principle of pH shift processing, effect of pH shift process on the quality and storage stability of recovered isolates, applications protein isolates, etc. are discussed in detail for better understanding.
Intramedullary nail fixation versus locking plate fixation for adults with a fracture of the distal tibia: the UK FixDT RCT.
Both nail fixation and locking plate fixation had similar disability ratings at 6 months, but nail fixation cost about £970 less in the first year after the fracture.
Extreme Diets: Fads and Facts
Radical diets have exploded in popularity since the 19th century. We dig into notable examples -- from Fletcherism to liquid diets to Beverly Hills -- reviewing their history, claims, and impact.
Medscape Internal Medicine
Consumer Reports Ranks Top Sunscreens for 2018
Despite concerns about chemical sunscreens, they protect you better from the sun than "natural" sunscreens, Consumer Reports' latest sunscreen report finds.
WebMD Health News
A Pilot Study of a Novel Automated Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SSEP) Monitoring Device for Detection and Prevention of Intraoperative Peripheral Nerve Injury in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Surgery
Application of Standardised Yoga Protocols as the Basis of Physiotherapy Recommendation in Treatment of Sleep Apneas: Moving Beyond Pranayamas
Yoga is an ancient Indian practice of mental and physical exercises (syn: asanas), postures (syn: mudras), movements and breathing techniques which sustain healthy living of the body and the mind. It incorporates various exercises of breathing, oropharyngeal structures and facial expressions, the physiology and effect of which are comparable to international physiotherapy recommendations in treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) i.e. to preserve upper airway patency by maintaining airway dilator muscle tone. Preliminary results show that yoga can be an effective and constructive alternative to physiotherapy for sleep apnea and snoring patients. To compare the physiotherapy recommendations in snoring patients with various yoga exercises postures. To determine the efficacy of yoga in treatment of sleep apnea. To formulate a standardized yoga protocol for universal usage in sleep apnea. We studied the available literature on physiotherapy recommendations for OSA and yoga asanas involving the nasal, oropharynx and facial structures and perceived a noteworthy similarity in physiological basis of both. A set of these yogasanas were put together and patients presenting with snoring and diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea were presented and encouraged to perform the standardized set of yoga exercises for a period of 3 months. A total of 23 patients were recommended yoga protocols as initial form of treatment in snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea. Clinical and statistically significant improvement gauzed by recommended score chart was discerned in majority of subjects. The results were comparable to the efficacy of existing physiotherapy regimen published in international literature. The benefits of yoga in sleep disorders go beyond the scope of measured outcomes. Standardizing the protocols for yoga in treatment for snoring and sleep apnea is the need of the hour. Further studies on efficacy of yoga need to be performed to understand its full realm of potential.
Identifying Barriers to Implementation of the National Partnership for Maternal Safety Obstetric Hemorrhage Bundle at a Tertiary Center: Utilization of the Delphi Method
Organ Donation After Circulatory Death: Ethical Issues and International Practices
“Modified Dynamic Needle Tip Positioning” Short-Axis, Out-of-Plane, Ultrasound-Guided Radial Artery Cannulation in Neonates: A Randomized Controlled Trial
The Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Propofol Requirements During Anesthesia Administered by Bispectral Index-Guided Closed-Loop Anesthesia Delivery System: A Randomized Controlled Study
Perianesthetic and Anesthesia-Related Mortality in a Southeastern United States Population: A Longitudinal Review of a Prospectively Collected Quality Assurance Data Base
Does Respiratory Variation in Inferior Vena Cava Diameter Predict Fluid Responsiveness in Mechanically Ventilated Patients? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Halving the Volume of AnaConDa: Evaluation of a New Small-Volume Anesthetic Reflector in a Test Lung Model
Perioperative Peripheral Nerve Injury After General Anesthesia: A Qualitative Systematic Review
Real Time Ultrasound Assisted Gluteal Fat Grafting
Therapeutic effects of human adipose-derived products on impaired wound healing in irradiated tissue
"Microanatomy of sensory nerves in the upper eyelid: A cadaveric anatomical study”
Browning of human subcutaneous adipose tissue after its transplantation in nude mice
Beneficial Effects of Antioxidant Furfuryl Palmitate in Non-pharmacologic Treatments (Prescription Emollient Devices, PEDs) for Atopic Dermatitis and Related Skin Disorders
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease; it requires long-term treatments focused on symptomatic relief. Current first-line treatments include moisturizers and topical corticosteroids. Recently, topical antioxidants have been added to moisturizer formulations to alleviate mild-to-moderate AD. The aim of this review was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of furfuryl palmitate, a new antioxidant molecule, and furfuryl derivatives.
A PubMed/Google Scholar search was conducted using the term "furfuryl palmitate" (and its derivatives, including AR-GG27®) combined with "skin," "atopic dermatitis," and "atopic eczema." Existing trials including adult and pediatric patients with AD and related skin disorders were evaluated. The treatment indication(s), number of subjects, treatment protocols, results, and side effects were recorded.
Effective treatments with furfuryl palmitate and furfuryl derivatives have been reported for the following conditions: atopic, seborrheic, irritative, and allergic contact dermatitis, eczema, xerosis, and cutaneous inflammatory pathologies. All the products tested showed a good tolerability profile.
Studies performed up to now showed that furfuryl derivatives can efficaciously contrast signs and symptoms of mild-to-moderate AD, erythema, and widespread diffuse cutaneous pathologies in both adult and pediatric patients, representing a real alternative to steroids and a valid aid in the treatment of skin disorders, with no side effects and without requiring precautions in use.
Relife-Menarini Industrie Farmaceutiche.
Plain Language Summary
Plain language summary available for this article.
Biomarkers for early identification of recurrences in HPV-driven oropharyngeal cancer
Source:Oral Oncology, Volume 82
Author(s): Haitham Mirghani, Krystle A. Lang Kuhs, Tim Waterboer
One of the major concerns in oncology lies in the ability to detect recurrences at their earliest stage to increase the likelihood of cure following second line, or salvage, therapy. Although human papillomavirus (HPV)-driven oropharyngeal cancers have a good prognosis, 20–25% of patients will recur within 5 years of treatment and a significant portion will die from their disease. In recent years, great effort has been put toward evaluating the potential clinical utility of HPV-related biomarkers for early diagnosis of recurrent disease. Indeed, following completion of treatment, detection of HPV-DNA in oral rinses or blood and serologic assays against HPV oncoproteins could be helpful to track residual disease or recurrence. Several recent studies have reported promising findings, thus potentially paving the way for the use of biomarkers in the management of HPV-OPC.In this review, we evaluate and discuss the current knowledge on this topic and provide some directions for future research.
An assessment of patient burdens from head and neck cancer survivorship care
Source:Oral Oncology, Volume 82
Author(s): Sean T. Massa, Rebecca L. Rohde, Carole Mckinstry, Malia Gresham, Nosayaba Osazuwa-Peters, Gregory M. Ward, Ronald J Walker
ObjectivesTo assess head and neck cancer (HNC) patients' perspectives on the value and burdens of routine cancer follow-up care.Materials and methodsData was obtained from HNC patients (n = 100) at an urban, tertiary head and neck cancer clinic. A novel 15-question survey tool evaluated the logistic, financial, and psychosocial burdens associated with clinic visits. The clinical characteristics and survey responses of demographic groups were analyzed with comparative statistics. Linear regression modeling was utilized to identify predictors of overall stress.ResultsA majority of study participants were male (74%), white (83%), and had histories of tobacco (77%) and alcohol (77%) use. Most participants were satisfied with the frequency of their office visits (75%). Patients with laryngeal cancer, advanced stage disease, or who underwent multimodality therapy more often desired increased appointment frequency. These patients also rated the burdens of travel cost and overall stress higher, compared to patients desiring visits less often (41.5% vs 28.4%, p = 0.047 and 46.6% vs 38.3%, p = 0.003, respectively). Travel stress was associated with highest overall stress (beta 0.6, CI: 0.4, 0.7).ConclusionThe HNC survivor population is uniquely disenfranchised in several social and economic ways. While most patients are satisfied with their follow-up care, a significant subset of patients – those with limited social support, high financial stress, functional deficits, and those with transportation burdens – desire more frequent care. Survivorship care plans should incorporate the perspectives of current survivors.
The unique and valuable soft tissue free flap in head and neck reconstruction: Lateral arm
Source:Oral Oncology, Volume 82
Author(s): Stephen Y. Kang, Antoine Eskander, Krupal Patel, Theodoros N. Teknos, Matthew O. Old
While the lateral arm free flap has been well described, there is a relative paucity in its use compared to other free flaps and regional flaps. The lateral arm free flap is a unique soft tissue free flap that provides several reconstructive advantages in head and neck reconstruction: excellent contour and color match to facial skin, well compartmentalized fat, donor nerves for nerve grafting, and the ability to two-team harvest and close the donor site without a skin graft. A detailed anatomic and harvest technique is described, along with indications and advantages of using lateral free flap for head and neck reconstruction. A scoping literature review was also conducted to tabulate indications, overall success and complications of the flap. The lateral arm flap is a primary option for defects requiring soft tissue reconstruction in the head and neck.
Early TLR4 blockade attenuates sterile inflammation-mediated stress in islets during isolation and promotes successful transplant outcomes
Survival and Metabolic Function of Syngeneic Mouse Islet Grafts Transplanted into the Hepatic Sinus-tract
Belatacept in Solid Organ Transplant: Review of Current Literature Across Transplant Types
Critical Appraisal of International Clinical Practice Guidelines in Kidney Transplantation Using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Education (AGREE) II Tool: A Systematic Review
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- Deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap: I...
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- Long-term Results of Bacterial Septic Arthritis of...
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- Adding Scales to BREAST-Q Must Follow the Same Rig...
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- A Survey Analysis on the Management of Moderately ...
- The Potential of Narrow Band UVB to Induce Sustain...
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- Intramedullary nail fixation versus locking plate ...
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- A Pilot Study of a Novel Automated Somatosensory E...
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- Halving the Volume of AnaConDa: Evaluation of a Ne...
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- Anesthesia and Neurotoxicity
- Real Time Ultrasound Assisted Gluteal Fat Grafting
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- "Microanatomy of sensory nerves in the upper eyeli...
- Browning of human subcutaneous adipose tissue afte...
- Beneficial Effects of Antioxidant Furfuryl Palmita...
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Μαΐ 22
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