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Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

! # Ola via Alexandros G.Sfakianakis on Inoreader

Η λίστα ιστολογίων μου

Δευτέρα 19 Ιουνίου 2017

Graves’ disease with severe neutropenia: any clues?


In volume 85, issue 6 of "Clinical Endocrinology", Aggarwal, et al. published a study titled "Treatment of Hyperthyroidism With Antithyroid Drugs Corrects Mild Neutropenia in Graves' Disease". The authors treated Graves' disease (GD) with mild neutropenia using a thionamide anti-thyroid drug (ATD). From that study we conclude that neutropenia is not uncommon in association with GD and accounts for 14% of cases, and that mild neutropenia does not preclude the use of ATDs.

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