Publication date: May 2018
Source:Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, Volume 145, Issue 4, Supplement
Author(s): A. Toumi, N. Mahdhi, M. Chaieb, I. Ernez, Y. Haj Hassine, A. Abid
IntroductionLe dermatofibrosarcome de Darier-Ferrand (DFDF) est une tumeur cutanée rare, à très haut risque de récidive locale et à potentiel métastatique faible. Elle se rencontre plus fréquemment chez l'adulte et les personnes âgées. Le traitement curatif est chirurgical par une exérèse large latéralement et en profondeur. Cette exérèse se solde de grandes pertes de substances dont la couverture est un véritable challenge pour le chirurgien plasticien.ButsAnalyser les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques du DFDF.MéthodesÀ partir d'une étude rétrospective étalée sur 17 ans (2000–2017), nous avons étudié 26 patients présentant des DFDF histologiquement prouvés.RésultatsL'âge moyen était de 36,4 ans. Le sexe ratio était à 0,7. La notion de traumatisme antérieur a été retrouvée dans 5 cas. Un seul cas était associé à une grossesse. Aucun antécédent d'irradiation antérieure n'a été retrouvé. Le tronc était la localisation préférentielle (78 %) suivi par les membres inférieurs (11 %). La taille moyenne des lésions était de 4,8cm. Elles étaient nodulaires dans 15 cas, multinodulaire dans 9 cas et planes dans 2 cas. L'examen histologique a montré une prolifération dermohypodermique faite de cellules fusiformes disposées en faisceaux irréguliers, selon un agencement storiforme. L'immunomarquage intense et diffus des cellules tumorales par l'anticorps anti-CD34 a confirmé le diagnostic. Une Imagerie par résonnance magnétique préopératoire a été réalisée dans tous les cas et a révélé l'infiltration du muscle sous-jacent dans 8 cas. Aucun cas de métastase n'a été diagnostiqué. 25 patients ont eu une exérèse large avec des marges latérales de 5cm et résection en profondeur de la première barrière anatomique saine. Une seule patiente a été opérée selon la technique de Mohs devant la localisation à la région sous-claviculaire. Les techniques de reconstruction étaient les suivantes : un lambeau local ou locorégional dans 19 cas, une greffe de peau après bourgeonnement dans 5 cas, une suture directe avec pose d'une plaque pour un défect de la paroi abdominale dans 1 cas et par cicatrisation dirigée après suture en bourse dans un autre cas. Le recul moyen était de 7,6 ans. Un seul cas de récidive a été noté chez un patient traité par une exérèse large. Les résultats ont été jugés satisfaisants sur le plan esthétique et fonctionnel.ConclusionLe DFDF est une tumeur dont le pronostic et le risque évolutif sont principalement liés au délai diagnostic et la qualité de la première exérèse. Le diagnostic tardif rend difficile la chirurgie d'exérèse et de reconstruction. L'amélioration du pronostic passe par une prise en charge multidisciplinaire précoce et codifiée.
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- Changes in Perceived Supervision Quality After Int...
- In this issue
- Dysphagia 27 years after cervical disc arthroplasty
- Semilunar conchal cartilage graft in saddle nose r...
- Grasping at Laws: Speed-Accuracy Trade-Offs in Man...
- Emerging topics and practical aspects for an appro...
- 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission ...
- Total FDG lesion number on PET/CT predicts surviva...
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- Overview on current treatment standards in high-gr...
- Role of amino acid PET in HGGs: limitations and pe...
- The role of amino acid PET in the light of the new...
- Conventional and advanced magnetic resonance imagi...
- The effect of chewing-gum on dose rate of salivary...
- PM2.5 and gaseous pollutants in New York State dur...
- Comprehensive measurements of atmospheric OH react...
- Modeling biogenic secondary organic aerosol (BSOA)...
- Development of non-linear models predicting daily ...
- Evolution of the spatiotemporal pattern of PM2.5 c...
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- Fitness, Exercise, and Coronary Calcification.
- Risk of Dementia in Adults With Congenital Heart D...
- Improving 1-Year Outcomes of Infrainguinal Limb Re...
- Inhibition of JAK-STAT Signaling Suppresses Pathog...
- Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Acute ST-Segm...
- Precision Obesity Care on the Horizon.
- Highlights From the Circulation Family of Journals.
- Letter by Jin-shan and Xue-bin Regarding Article, ...
- Response by Goldwasser et al to Letter Regarding A...
- Letter by Gazmuri and Karmazyn Regarding Article, ...
- Response by Packer to Letter Regarding Article, "A...
- Letter by Grocott Regarding Article, "Sodium Gluco...
- Response by Lytvyn et al to Letter Regarding Artic...
- Letter by d'Aloja et al Regarding Article, "Compet...
- A Work Flow to Build and Validate Patient Specific...
- Role of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) In...
- Immuno‐Oncology Biomarkers for Gastric and Gastroe...
- Emerging Gene Fusion Drivers in Primary and Metast...
- Influence of temperature fluctuations on one-stage...
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- A novel assessment and treatment approach to patie...
- Patients Screening Positive for Body Dysmorphic Di...
- Complications of Polydioxanone Foil Use in Nasal S...
- Second Hand Smoke exposure increased the need for ...
- Development of a tool predicting severity of aller...
- "Vestn Otorinolaringol"[jour]; +19 new citations
- Changes in Type I and Type II Collagen Expression ...
- Efficacy of Low-Level Laser Therapy in the Treatme...
- Analgesic Effects of Intranasal Ketamine in Rat Mo...
- Prevalence of Posterior Disc Displacement of the T...
- Nuclear progestin receptor (Pgr) knockouts resulte...
- Delineating the regulation of estrogen and androge...
- "In Vivo"[jour]; +37 new citations
- The palatal septal cartilage implantation for snor...
- Consideration of methods for identifying mite alle...
- The impact of occupational exposure to traffic-rel...
- Neonicotinoid detection in wild turkeys ( Meleagri...
- Interhemispheric alpha-band hypoconnectivity in ch...
- Effects of the NMDA receptor antagonists dizocilpi...
- A refined rat primary neonatal microglial culture ...
- Recovery of early neural spikes from stimulation e...
- APIC Masthead
- Information for Readers
- Validity of administrative data in identifying com...
- Information for Authors
- Newly revised guide to clinically important microb...
- Table of Contents
- Exploring the nurses' role in antibiotic stewardsh...
- Health care system leaders' perspectives on infect...
- Frequent contamination of nursing scrubs is associ...
- Dynamics of intraoperative Klebsiella, Acinetobact...
- Erratum
- Sustained reduction in rates of hospital-onset Clo...
- Positive deviance and hand hygiene of nurses in a ...
- A national survey of interventions and practices i...
- Healthcare-associated infections studies project: ...
- Assessment of genotoxic activity of oleoresins and...
- Recurrent upper lumbar disc herniation treated via...
- Synthesis of widely emission-tunable Ag–Ga–S and i...
- Contact Dermatitis Symposium
- All About Acne
- Miscellaneous and Other Surprises
- Author Index 2018
- Plenary Session 4 and Awarding of Prizes
- Mohs Quality Assurance Program and Fellow Talks
- Paediatric Symposium
- What's New in Journals
- Psoriasis Symposium
- Registrar Training Session
- Dermatology Hospitalist
- Translational Research
- Melanoma & Skin Cancer Free Communications
- Registrar & Fellow Update – Medical
- Registrar Forum
Απρ 27
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Απρ 27
- Ammonia production in poultry houses can affect he...
- The nexus between energy consumption and financial...
- Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (P...
- CAD/CAM Custom Abutments for Esthetic Anterior Imp...
- Changes in Perceived Supervision Quality After Int...
- In this issue
- Dysphagia 27 years after cervical disc arthroplasty
- Semilunar conchal cartilage graft in saddle nose r...
- Grasping at Laws: Speed-Accuracy Trade-Offs in Man...
- Emerging topics and practical aspects for an appro...
- 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission ...
- Total FDG lesion number on PET/CT predicts surviva...
- Blood-brain barrier transport kinetics of NOTA-mod...
- Overview on current treatment standards in high-gr...
- Role of amino acid PET in HGGs: limitations and pe...
- The role of amino acid PET in the light of the new...
- Conventional and advanced magnetic resonance imagi...
- The effect of chewing-gum on dose rate of salivary...
- PM2.5 and gaseous pollutants in New York State dur...
- Comprehensive measurements of atmospheric OH react...
- Modeling biogenic secondary organic aerosol (BSOA)...
- Development of non-linear models predicting daily ...
- Evolution of the spatiotemporal pattern of PM2.5 c...
- Bidirectional juxtacrine ephrinB2/Ephs signaling p...
- Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation in Patients With ...
- Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Coronary Artery Calcium...
- Fitness, Exercise, and Coronary Calcification.
- Risk of Dementia in Adults With Congenital Heart D...
- Improving 1-Year Outcomes of Infrainguinal Limb Re...
- Inhibition of JAK-STAT Signaling Suppresses Pathog...
- Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Acute ST-Segm...
- Precision Obesity Care on the Horizon.
- Highlights From the Circulation Family of Journals.
- Letter by Jin-shan and Xue-bin Regarding Article, ...
- Response by Goldwasser et al to Letter Regarding A...
- Letter by Gazmuri and Karmazyn Regarding Article, ...
- Response by Packer to Letter Regarding Article, "A...
- Letter by Grocott Regarding Article, "Sodium Gluco...
- Response by Lytvyn et al to Letter Regarding Artic...
- Letter by d'Aloja et al Regarding Article, "Compet...
- A Work Flow to Build and Validate Patient Specific...
- Role of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) In...
- Immuno‐Oncology Biomarkers for Gastric and Gastroe...
- Emerging Gene Fusion Drivers in Primary and Metast...
- Influence of temperature fluctuations on one-stage...
- The importance of allergic disease in public healt...
- A novel assessment and treatment approach to patie...
- Patients Screening Positive for Body Dysmorphic Di...
- Complications of Polydioxanone Foil Use in Nasal S...
- Second Hand Smoke exposure increased the need for ...
- Development of a tool predicting severity of aller...
- "Vestn Otorinolaringol"[jour]; +19 new citations
- Changes in Type I and Type II Collagen Expression ...
- Efficacy of Low-Level Laser Therapy in the Treatme...
- Analgesic Effects of Intranasal Ketamine in Rat Mo...
- Prevalence of Posterior Disc Displacement of the T...
- Nuclear progestin receptor (Pgr) knockouts resulte...
- Delineating the regulation of estrogen and androge...
- "In Vivo"[jour]; +37 new citations
- The palatal septal cartilage implantation for snor...
- Consideration of methods for identifying mite alle...
- The impact of occupational exposure to traffic-rel...
- Neonicotinoid detection in wild turkeys ( Meleagri...
- Interhemispheric alpha-band hypoconnectivity in ch...
- Effects of the NMDA receptor antagonists dizocilpi...
- A refined rat primary neonatal microglial culture ...
- Recovery of early neural spikes from stimulation e...
- APIC Masthead
- Information for Readers
- Validity of administrative data in identifying com...
- Information for Authors
- Newly revised guide to clinically important microb...
- Table of Contents
- Exploring the nurses' role in antibiotic stewardsh...
- Health care system leaders' perspectives on infect...
- Frequent contamination of nursing scrubs is associ...
- Dynamics of intraoperative Klebsiella, Acinetobact...
- Erratum
- Sustained reduction in rates of hospital-onset Clo...
- Positive deviance and hand hygiene of nurses in a ...
- A national survey of interventions and practices i...
- Healthcare-associated infections studies project: ...
- Assessment of genotoxic activity of oleoresins and...
- Recurrent upper lumbar disc herniation treated via...
- Synthesis of widely emission-tunable Ag–Ga–S and i...
- Contact Dermatitis Symposium
- All About Acne
- Miscellaneous and Other Surprises
- Author Index 2018
- Plenary Session 4 and Awarding of Prizes
- Mohs Quality Assurance Program and Fellow Talks
- Paediatric Symposium
- What's New in Journals
- Psoriasis Symposium
- Registrar Training Session
- Dermatology Hospitalist
- Translational Research
- Melanoma & Skin Cancer Free Communications
- Registrar & Fellow Update – Medical
- Registrar Forum
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