To provide an overview about the current approaches to prevent peri-implant diseases in edentulous patients with complete-arch implant-supported prostheses, and to review the clinical applications of the latest digital technologies for implant prosthodontics.
A review of the guidelines to prevent peri-implant diseases in patient's receiving complete-arch implant-supported prostheses including facially driven treatment planning procedures using either conventional or digital methods, computer-aided implant planning procedures, and prosthodontic design variables including the optimal number and distribution of dental implants, implant to abutment connection type, implant or abutment level design, screw- or cement-retained alternatives, prostheses contours, and material selection is provided. Furthermore, an outline of the current therapeutic management approaches to address peri-implant diseases is reviewed.
Clinicians should understand and know different planning and design-related variables that can affect biological and mechanical complication rates of complete-arch implant-supported prostheses. Maintenance protocols are fundamental for minimizing biological and mechanical complications.
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