Detection of mcr-4 positive Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in clinical isolates of human origin, Italy, October to November 2016.
Euro Surveill. 2018 Jan;23(2):
Authors: Carretto E, Brovarone F, Nardini P, Russello G, Barbarini D, Pongolini S, Gagliotti C, Carattoli A, Sarti M
In this study we report the detection of the recently described mcr-4 gene in two human isolates of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. The strains were isolated from faecal samples of two Italian patients with gastroenteritis, collected in 2016. The identified mcr-4 genes (variant mcr-4.2) differed from the mcr-4 gene originally described in a Salmonella strain of swine origin from Italy. Salmonella species could represent a hidden reservoir for mcr genes.
PMID: 29338810 [PubMed - in process]
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